Note: Please put exact location below in order to avoid extra fare calculation.
Distance : Km

₹ 16 Per Km

Total Fare NA


₹ 18 Per Km

Total Fare NA


₹ 22 Per Km

Total Fare NA



Book Outstation Taxi, Cabs in India at Best Price

No return fare

Why pay twice for the One way cab! Taxi providers are ready for a one-way ride as they find another customer returning.

No over-pricing

Find the cheapest price for your trip. A large pool of Outstation taxi providers is waiting to offer you the best at the lowest price.

Availability of Cabs

Holiday season! Your favorite taxi provider refuses to provide you with a taxi. No worries, Goodluck Taxi brings you thousands of taxi providers to your destination.

Goodluck Taxi

We strive to make the taxi booking an easy and comfortable experience through our online cab booking service.

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